Thursday, January 8, 2015


My basement can get very damp. Located blow ground level, mold will actually form on stored items. Therefore, a dehumidifier constantly runs, sucking the moisture from the air.

During the summer, I dump the water from it just about every other day. I recycle it by using the liquid air on my vegetable garden.

Here in January, I haven't emptied the dehumidifier in two weeks. The air is so dry, I think it would chap the tail of an alligator.

Tiny, painful, paper cut-like wounds scar my heals.My skin is dry.

Here's a good trivia question for you.

What is the world's driest region?


Yep, it's cold, but the continent is extremely dry.

It's winter.

For most of us it's cold and dry.

As runners, we MUST drink!

Believe me, this brutal weather could drive one to drink, and although I'm not opposed to hoisting a Yuengling beer or two now and then, the drinking I'm referring to is of the non-alcohol variety, preferably water.

Just like my basement dehumidifier, at this time of year, our bodies are water-starved. Most of us are still logging our training miles, and the very act of trying to provide enough heat to keep us alive causes us to burn more calories and sucks the hydration from us.

We may not feel thirsty, but our bodies ARE thirsty.

So, along with thick socks, bulky sweaters, and long johns, carry that water bottle with you, wherever you go, during these dry winter months.

Research has shown that runners, for the most part, walk around in a constant state of dehydration. Several years ago, my family doctor, who is a four-hour marathoner, told me that we simply can't drink enough if we're intensely training.

But how is one to know how much is enough?


The pee test.

Check your urine.

Light is good. Dark is bad.

Sorry to be graphic, but if your urine is a light-yellow or clear color, chances are you are adequately hydrated. If it is dark yellow or brownish, you are dehydrated. If there is blood in your urine, see your doctor immediately.

Remember, caffeinated beverages and alcohol will dehydrate you. Electrolyte drinks are fine, but good old water is the best.

So, raise a glass this winter.

Do it frequently.

Just make sure it's water.

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