Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Today I continued a 37-year tradition. I ran on New Year's Day.

Still hobbled by a bum hamstring, as well as a few too many craft beers last evening, my training run consisted of a slow 4 miles, but it allowed me to continue my streak, which goes back to 1977, and it sucked the poison from my body.

Throughout my career, I've consistently run more miles in January than in June.

January is usually the beginning of my spring marathon training period, and the lack of other activities taking place during the coldest month of the year, create an ideal scenario for logging big miles.

After today's run, I sat down to a fine meal of sauerkraut and pork, prepared perfectly by my wife. Although she is Italian by heritage, and my ancestors hail from Ireland, we follow the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition of eating sauerkraut and pork on New Year's Day, as a means of bringing us good luck in the coming year.

The best post I read on Facebook today read, "If you're posting today, it means you are alive, therefore, 2013 was a good year."

Not a bad point.

Train hard and remain healthy in 2014.

Whether or not you ate sauerkraut and pork today, I hope good luck follows you throughout the coming year.

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