Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I ran a mile today.


Big deal.

I vow to never complain about not wanting to train, ever, ever again.

Four weeks to this day I underwent arthroscopic knee surgery. I estimate it's been about six weeks since I've run, and probably about twelve weeks since I've run anything worth thinking about and anything pain-free.

I followed my rehab regimen, remained patient, and stayed relatively sane. (although my wife may disagree with the latter)

It was with a great deal of apprehension, though, that I drove over to my high school track, walked a warmup lap, as per my doctor's instruction, and took my first running baby steps.

Seriously, it felt weird!

I was slow, dreadfully slow, and there was a moderate amount of stiffness around the affected knee, but no sharp pain, and my gait seemed to be relatively normal. I ran three laps, then walked another three before I ran another lap, to give me a mile for the day.

A real big deal!

For the past four weeks I seriously doubted if I would ever run again. Climbing steps was painful, and I still walked with a limp. Still, a steady diet of daily walking paid off. I, naturally, took a watch with me every day, and each day my walking pace increased.

So, today was, literally, the first step. I will not become overconfident, and I will not overdo it. But it is great to be back.

It was a magnificent December day, and running, with the sounds of Christmas music in my ears was inspiring. Everything looked, felt, and even smelled better. Getting in my car after he workout and having the windows fog up made me happy.

Running is more than a physical activity. Running helps to define us. It inspires us, it soothes us. It is an endeavor that we can suspend or postpone when WE decide to do so. Don't take it away from us. Don't, as in the case of injury, tell us we can't do it.

So, appreciate every second you are allowed to perform this activity that is so vital to your well-being.

Believe me, I do.


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