Saturday, March 7, 2015


It simply wouldn't quit.

Like a boxer in the 15th round of a heavyweight bout, the March chapter of winter roared in this week with an ice/sleet storm on Tuesday, another 4 to 6 inches of snow on Wednesday, followed by single-digit, record low temperatures on Thursday evening.

But tonight, we spring forward.

The trilogy of March begins when, in most parts of the United States, we set our clocks an hour ahead, giving up an hour of sleep; while adding an hour of daylight.

Mounds of snow, which now look like dirty black and grey pyramids, will melt more quickly thanks to the abundant sunshine created by a sun that is now higher in the sky. Surroundings will smell better. My garage won't constantly exist in a frozen state.

For a couple of weeks, those folks forced to conduct their running in the early morning hours will suffer, but as each day goes by, daylight hours will be expanded at both ends, from dawn to dusk.

Beginning next weekend, on the glorious holiday itself, and on the following weekend as well, Saint Patrick's Day will be celebrated.

As much as people like to have an excuse to drink, runners like to have a reason for a race, and Saint Patrick's Day appropriately fills both those requirements. Of course, combine a running race AND an reason to drink, and you have a storm of perfection.

And then, like the obnoxious relative who overstays his welcome, winter will depart and spring will arrive at 6:45 p.m. on March 20. It has been a brutal extended winter. Beginning with a snowstorm on November 18 and continuing with our storm of March 4-5, we in Pennsylvania have had snowfalls for 5 consecutive months. Last week, the peaks of some Hawaiian mountains were snow covered.

So, let's spring forward.

Let's close the door on winter misery and open the windows to the bright days of spring and summer that lie ahead.

Enjoy and appreciate the many magnificent training days that lie ahead.

When you do, you will make each day your personal best.

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