Sunday, January 28, 2018


Having suffered a complete hamstring tear in 2013, a mere three weeks after a successful effort at the Boston Marathon, my cascading injury cycle shifted to my left knee, probably a result of favoring a permanently weakened hamstring.

Meniscus surgery followed in 2015, and today, running as well as walking, is accompanied by pain, brought on by the onset of arthritis.

Physical therapy, hyaluronic acid injections, and an array of over-the counter topical ointments have failed to offer pain relief.

A few weeks ago, an Australian company, Athletes Gel,, asked me to try their topical gel. Athletes Gel is all-natural ointment, which uses wintergreen, capsaicin, arnica, and clove. I’ve researched all of these anti-inflammatory medicines, and this product blends them together perfectly.  It smells great, dries fast, is non-greasy, water proof, does not stain, reduces inflammation quickly and activates pain relief minutes after applying directly to the skin.

I was using a popular brand-name capsaicin product on my knee when my sample of Athletes Gel arrived. The next day I applied Athletes Gel to my feeble knee, and the results were truly remarkable.

Athletes Gel seems to work instantly, and in addition to the pain reduction, it increased the flexibility in my knee.

I am rationing my sample until Athletes Gel hits the market on March 25.

If you suffer from pain or soreness from working out, from arthritis, or from every day overuse of muscles, I highly recommend Athletes Gel. Athletes Gel will help any athlete suffering from sprains, strains, external bruising and conditions relating to muscle fatigue, minor sports injuries and pain.

You’re going to be hearing more about this product in the coming weeks, as you will be hearing more from me. Thanks to Athletes Gel, I am able to run pain-free, thus my distance and frequency of workouts will increase.

Give Athletes Gel a try. You won’t be disappointed.

Visit them at:

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