Today, in the Northern Hemisphere, we are "celebrating" the Winter Solstice.
In northeastern Pennsylvania the sun rose at 7:25 this morning, and it will set at 4:41 p.m., affording us the shortest amount of possible daylight.
That's the good news.
From today on, the days will get longer.
As I gaze out my window, snow piles abound and a blanket of crunchy ice covers my back yard.
And the official Pennsylvania colors of brown and gray are in full bloom, and will be until sometime in April.
Running will be challenging for the next 90 days or so. Last year, we had no snow until mid-January, when a storm pummeled us with 30 inches of white stuff.
Already, we've had our share of snow, ice, and temperatures in the single-digits.
I write for a great website,, which is located in Australia. Several of my followers on the site have reported to me about training conditions during their summer, which is now.
Makes me want to hop on a plane and join them.
So, on this conflicting day, let's make our collective glasses half full.
The days WILL get longer.
We ARE coming out of the darkness.
Maybe the winter won't be so bad.
If not, there's always Australia.